Bowers Group Exhibiting at Thai Metalex 2019...
Bowers Group’s Ellie Skinner to Climb Highest Mountain in North Africa for Mind Charity...
Bowers Group Announces Management Team Restructure...
Bowers Group Welcomes New Additions to UK Sales Team...
Brand New Bowers Group Catalogue Now Available!...
Bowers Group Supports Reshoring UK, the New UK Engineering Marketplace from the GTMA...
Bowers Group Announce UK Launch of New Innovatest BIOS Brinell Optical Scanner...
A Brief History of Metrology...
New Trimos Portable Measuring Arm Available in UK...
Charity Football Match in Aid of Cancer Research UK Raises £3000...
Bowers Group’s Danish Distributor Diesella Exhibiting at HI Industry Expo...
Bowers Group’s Dave Smith Judges the MTA TDI Challenge...